Born in Minas Gerais (Brazil), she is a Social worker and a Master in Rural sociology. Senior lecturer at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); She is currently a visiting professor at Fluminense Federal University (UFF). She was a consultant in the coordination of Aperfeccionamiento of the Staff of higher education (CAPES-Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of Brazil) and still is in the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social service (ABEPSS-Brazil). She was a member of the research team of the CELATS and professor of the Master of Honduras (1983), as well as lecturer in several Latin American countries. Author of various classical articles and books of discipline.
What I like most about this author is his Marxist approach to social work and its specificity with the theme of the fetish of capital, which leads us to reflections on dominance, cohesion and alienation. Which in Social work covers a lot of titles and mentions, because many of the authors in some way or another fall into this approach.

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